Believe In Yourself: Your Potential Is a Picture of
What You Can Become

According to the dictionary, the meaning to the word,
"believe" is; to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the
reliability of something; although without absolute proof that one is right in
doing so.
When you were a kid, did you believe in Santa Claus? I
remember those days of wonder and excitement, writing your letters to Santa and
waiting to see if you were good enough to get what was on your list, but as I
got older and I listened to what my friends were saying, and some little things
that I noticed on my own, It started to
make my belief in Santa a little bit
shaky. I wanted to believe, but the truth in the evidence of the existence of
Santa just wasn't there anymore. So I have come to the terrible conclusion, at
the age of thirty-seven, that there really is no Santa Claus. I hate to be the
one to tell you that.
On a more serious note, do you believe in yourself?
Remember that believe means to have confidence in the truth, the existence or
reliability of who you really are. Do you know who you really are? I think that
sometimes we hide who we really are because of the people, or the things that
those people around us, have told us about ourselves. You will become a product
of your environment, even if your environment is lying.
I grew up in a very unloving home. It was a home where
we were never encouraged or given pats on the back for our successes. We never
really had to many, and when we did they were either not acknowledged or we
were ridiculed for even trying to do them. I was always told that I would never
be able to achieve anything worthwhile.
But there was always an uncontrollable drive to
compete, be competitive, and win. This stir was noticed by a coach and teacher
in one of my schools that took me under his arm. He worked with me, encouraged
me, and told me that I was good at sports and I should go out and tryout for
some of the teams. This man gave me the hope and stirred the belief in myself,
that I am good at things and if I work hard I can achieve success.
Well it took a long time but that seed of belief he
planted in me started to sprout. I started to play sports and I realized that I
could run fast, and I could hit the ball pretty good too. My confidence in the
truth of which I really was, and not the lies that everybody else told me about
myself, started to make me stronger, more confident, and more persistent in my
drive to succeed.
Where are you? Your potential is a picture of what you
can become. You believing in that potential helps you see it more clearly, and
give you the strength to reach out, grab it, and make that truth a reality.
97% of the world's population lives in a box that was
molded by what everyone else said about them, and only 3% ever get out of that
box, and reach for that truth that they know and have living in themselves. If
you're reading this article, you are a part of that three percent.
Don't believe or listen to what someone else said or is
saying about you and your dreams. Take a long look in your own heart. What do
you see? What do you want to achieve? What is there? Take that inventory of
yourself, and then take the necessary steps to training and moves you need to
do to get on that road to the success you deserve.
Do you believe? I believe. I believe in you and I know
that you can do it.
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