"Mighty Warrior, Come Out of the Pit!"

by Steve Porter, Bloomfield, NY
Dear Precious Ones,

One morning in prayer, I saw a giant pit that had trapped many people—a pit of despair, of sin, of compromise, of failure and hopelessness. Then I saw the Great Shepherd extend His hand to pull OUT desperate souls, giving them a second chance and making all things new!

I believe that in the Church there is coming a season of tremendous restoration and preparation, for God desires to restore all that the locust has eaten in your life! He will give you double for your trouble and turn your scars into stars reversing the curse. Let me emphasize here that this is a strategic season and we are not to squander or waste it

The Lord says, "This season, if you will hear My words—you will come out of that pit, so do not be content to stay there. Do not lose hope and accept your desperate situation, but rather speak to your pit, to your circumstances, and say, 'I am coming out!' Satan has tried to manipulate and deceive, convincing many that there is no way out of the pit, and when they believe his words, they become apathetic and lose hope. But his words are lies, because you are coming up and out!"

This season is a strategic one and you MUST invest and be a good steward of this time, in order to be prepared for what is coming in the near future. Do not say, "I have another year to get it together," or "I will worry about that later." Now is the time! You have a choice—will you accept your fate and remain in your pit, or will you take the hand of the Great Shepherd who desires to pull you out and once again set your feet on solid rock?

The years ahead are incredibly important, and the choice you make now will determine your course. I hear the Lord say even now: "Will you waste another year? Will you squander it, staying in that pit of hopelessness? I am already reaching out to you, so take My hand, and let Me pull you out and give you a second chance! I am calling you! Come out and be separate! Do not dabble in the world. Do not flirt with compromise and sin, for satan knows his time is short, and that what he does he must do quickly. Be not ignorant of his evil plans toward you, but know that I have already provided a way of escape for you."

I hear the Great Shepherd saying, "I am calling the prodigals home, so stop running! Can you hear Me calling your name? Can you sense My great love for you even now? For I have a table prepared just for you—a place already set, and I am inviting you to come and fellowship with Me again at My table. Remember when we would sit there for hours sharing our hearts with each other? I miss My time with you!

"I'm calling you home right now. Do not feel shame, guilt, or fear, but COME as you are and I will lovingly restore you for I am God. DO NOT WAIT ANY LONGER! I have already prepared a feast for you, as well as a new set of royal robes, and right now I give you a rod of authority. I will restore you, and you will reclaim all!"

"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him." Luke 15:20
Beloved, if you have a son, daughter, or loved one who is a prodigal, declare that this is your season! Don't give up! Don't accept the lies of the enemy. LOOK UP and declare that this is your year of total restoration!

In this season, I also see the Lord’s hand pulling out many Believers who are trapped in the pit of debt and sickness, the pit of lost opportunity, the pit of depression, delivering them from strongholds and carnal habits. This new season will also be that of preparation for that which is ahead, that is why this word is so vital; we MUST be prepared! We stand at a crossroads. There will be a great and terrible divide between those who are hungry for God and those who are spiritually content in their apathy.

"But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut." Matthew 25:10
There will be a great divide between the "wise virgins" of Matthew 25 and the "foolish ones." And while the apathetic spirit of Laodicea (see Rev. 3:14-22) will increase there will also be a growing remnant who will seek God's heart, and refuse to compromise or accept anything less than His fullness and the manifest presence of God.

I see desperate ones coming out of the pit of Laodicea; I see them fully abandoning themselves for the deeper things of God. And they will not be left empty-handed, but God will fill their treasures with Himself and they will feast on His presence, becoming mighty warriors equipped with everything they need for the most powerful ministry the world has ever seen! Let Your Kingdom come, Oh Lord!

I thank You, Lord, that this next season in my life will be one of restoration and preparation! I look up from the pit and see my Redeemer that stands with eyes full of love ready to pull me out and give me a fresh start. Let me hear You whisper my name and let me sense Your loving touch.  Oh, how You love us, beloved. Oh, how You love us all
The Lord is saying, "Mighty Warrior, come out of that pit!"

"He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand." Psalm 40:2
Steve Porter

Refuge Ministries

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