Arise! Abound! You Have a Birthright!

heard the Lord say, "I am about to break out across this nation. There is
a break out about to take place across this land. There are pockets of revival
being birthed across the nation. Over the next few months they will begin to
take form and take shape because I desire to awaken a sleeping Bride. Awake!
Awake! For I desire to use you to establish My glory.
the next 90 days I am going to awaken a people. I am going to awaken them to
their destiny – to their birthright. I am going to awaken them
to the things
they have forfeited and let go of for the sake of religiosity and for the sake
of remaining comfortable.
you have grown comfortable and have stayed the same," the Lord says,
"I am awakening you and I am opening the doors of the cage for you to fly
free. In this season where you have been held captive by finances and by
sickness and you have been held captive by complacency," the Lord says,
"I am opening the doors of the cage.
the next few days you will even begin to sense an awakening in your body. Where
there has been a slumber and a sleeping and the inability to wake up," the
Lord says, "I am about to renew your strength. I am about to strengthen
you from the tip of your head to bottom of your toes. Where the fog has been there,
the fog is lifting. I am causing you to awaken you to your destiny."
awake! Awake! O sleeper! Awake! For I desire for you to enter into the
birthright which I have purchased you. When you were born again you entered
into your inheritance. O taste and see that I am good. The cage doors are
opening. It's time for you to fly.
there has been atrophy in your wings, I am renewing the muscles in your
wings," says the Lord, "so that you may fly. Oh that you would
not your heart be troubled. You shall see the victory and those things which
you have sought for diligently. You have been under much pressure, but I have
removed the oppressor.
I say unto you, you shall mount up in this season of time. You shall run and
not be defeated. You shall walk and calm the roaring seas. You shall be a
stronghold, for you have made Me your stronghold and have trusted in Me to
bring those things which you have desired to come about. You shall see your
enemies defeated."
From a New Perspective
you would see from a new perspective. I am giving the Church a new perspective.
I am giving them the perspective of Love. I am awakening you to the eyes of
Love. That if you would see through My eyes, oh the things that you would see!
If you'll see through my eyes, oh the things you will see. For I desire you to
see through a new perspective," says the Lord, "I want you to see the
things that I am doing. I want you to see from my point of view. I am calling
you up and I am calling you higher."
this season I will bring fire and the things that you desire. I am calling you
higher," says the Lord, "I am calling you higher. Do not vacillate on
the ground any longer but come up to the high place. Come fly with Me. Come fly
with Me. Come fly with Me. You are not earth bound, no, you are Heaven bound.
this season I will show you how to use the keys that I have given you. The keys
of authority; the keys of breakthrough. Even in this season I will begin to
assign the angelic to you like never before. The angelic will begin to take
place in your life in a new form and fashion that you have never known before.
You will begin to see, see, see," says the Lord.
My glory will cover the earth. There will not be a place that isn't touched
with My glory. With the good news of My Gospel, there will not be a place is
that isn't touched. For I desire to send you to the nations. Church of America
– Arise, arise, arise to the height of your calling. For great is your calling,
too long you have been asleep and much has gone on, but in this season you will
wake up. Resurrection power is your inheritance," says the Lord.
Jacob Biswell, Bryan, Texas
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